Companies invest a tremendous amount of time, thought, and money in curating a fabulous customer experience. Happy clients have a clear link to happy employees. We’ve all had the misfortune of encountering a disgruntled employee who delivered less-than-stellar customer service. So today, we’re exploring the crucial development of a positive employee experience and the direct ways it can benefit your organization. 

Employee Experience Defined

The employee experience is defined by what an employee observes and encounters in conjunction with your company. This includes the fundamentals like physical workspace and technology/tools to execute their role. Broader elements such as a collaborative environment, work/life balance, and growth opportunities are also included. The days of compensation being a sole deciding factor are long over. Employees are placing great emphasis on lifestyle and company culture. They want to be a part of organizations whose purpose and values align with their own.  

One-third of global employees strongly agree with the statement, “The mission or purpose of my organization makes me feel my job is important.” By moving that ratio to eight in 10 employees, business units have realized a 51% reduction in absenteeism, a 64% drop in safety incidents and a 29% improvement in quality. (Source here) This illustrates just some of the ways an exceptional employee experience can impact your organization and your annual bottom line.

Long-Term Significance of a Favorable Employee Experience

Companies with reputations for an outstanding employee experience are more likely to:

Additionally, companies see an improvement in the quality of work output and thus an increase in superior client relations.

Establishing a Premier Employee Experience: A Timeline 

There are four distinct phases of an employee experience and each one produces a chance to form a bond and create a loyal employee.


The pre-employment period includes what a prospect thinks and feels during their application and interviewing process. Is the interface with your job portal user-friendly? Is the demeanor of your recruiter welcoming? Is the communication throughout the rounds of interviews consistent and informative? The rhythm originated before an employee accepts an offer is an essential part of the overall experience. 


Onboarding sets the tone for the first year of employment. During this transition, the goal is to build trust and a comfortable rapport. The employee will be more confident in their role and about their choice to join your organization if they feel prepared and encouraged during their early days at the company. 

Employee Tenure

Nurturing strong relationships with management and coworkers is a key component to the employee experience. A manager who can cultivate growth, carve out a defined path for internal career advancement, and inspire high performance is a major differentiator. When a manager knows how to unlock both potential and passion in their team, these are the types of leaders employees follow from company to company. Managers who advocate for their teams to gain new skills through training and back continuing education display their investment in the evolution of their team members. Another way managers connect with employees is to tie together their personal and professional goals throughout the year and have a solid performance review process. A fair annual evaluation opens the lines of communication and presents an opportunity for recognition. Employees who feel their contribution matters are more motivated and engaged.

Bonding with fellow employees is of equal importance. It can be as simple as enjoying perks (think Pizza Fridays), travel, and team-building exercises. Or grander in terms of an occasion that brings company culture to life, such as volunteering. Organizations want to provide chances for employees to live out their values together. These moments can live on social media and reaffirm gratifying feelings for existing employees and entice future talent. 

Honoring personal milestones is an additional practice to foster morale. Envision acknowledging not only traditional moments, such as marriage or having a baby, but individual achievements, such as running a marathon. 


What do employees observe about how their team members are treated during their departure from the firm? Is the retiree celebrated? Is the resigning coworker shunned during their last two weeks? These are not-so-subtle messages about how a company views their workforce. If a member who has resigned is still treated warmly, they are more likely to return and speak highly of their time with the firm. During exit interviews, they can share valuable information about why they are leaving and where they are going. This insight can help shape future strategies to institute a better employee experience. Employees who leave amicably are less likely to leave negative comments on company reviews sites, such as Glassdoor.

The Averity Experience

We are proud to be a people first organization. Our internal team, our company clients and the talent we assist throughout the recruiting process are all the faces of Averity. Creating a first-rate experience for each and every individual who walks through our doors is at the core of the Averity mission. We can help your company as you foster an improved employee experience by providing feedback we gather from potential talent and former employees. This data can help craft your approach and influence real change as to how your employees experience your company. Specifically, we can support you during the pre-employment and onboarding phase to foster relationships of trust and respect with candidates from the onset.  

Additionally, if you want a premium employee experience, visit our career portal and learn more about openings to join the Averity team. 

Looking for your next candidate? Try Human…Powered by Averity

Our latest innovation is designed to let you browse prescreened candidates and set up interviews with the click of a button. It’s that easy!

In a world where time is money, we created Human, to save you both.

There was a time when talent strived to secure title positions with reputable corporations. Having an impressive business card offered a certain degree of clout. The percentage of the skilled workforce with these types of goals has shrunk dramatically and been replaced with new ambitions. Gone are the days of competing for corner offices in brick-and-mortar locations. Candidates no longer want to toll away for decades at the same company with the hope of reaching senior roles. The modern ideal vision is remote, risky, flexible, and fun. How did work ideals get rewritten?

Millennial Mindset

Millennials grew up watching their parents work to the point of burnout. As they started their careers, their generation knew they had different priorities. They placed greater emphasis on vacation days vs. bonuses and focused on collaboration over competition. Then the pandemic hit and it was the match that lit the fire of the Great Resignation. During the lockdown, millennials reflected on how they were spending their time and if it aligned with their values. It prompted many to re-evaluate their jobs and shift to working for companies that provide the freedom to focus on their health and overall experiences.

Indeed, earlier generations tended to view work—and company loyalty—much differently, says Meredith Stoddard, vice president of life experiences at Fidelity. “Older generations had the idea of doing what’s expected of you,'” she explains. “One of the wonderful things about millennials is that they think, ‘I’m gonna do me.’ For many, freedom to be themselves is core to their values.”

Trendsetting startups catering to a creative mindset have become more desirable than ever before. Millennials are rejecting traditional work roles for more entrepreneurial opportunities. Simply put, if jobs aren’t making millennials happy, they’re resigning. 

Boomers & The Great Resignation  

According to the latest JOLTS report, the “Great Resignation” is still going on, as 4.2 million Americans left their jobs in November, bringing the total for 2022 to 46.6 million.

Although resignations have been highest amongst millennials, baby boomers are contributing to the statistic. They too had time to think during 2020 and many came to the realization that life is short and time could be running out. The key difference? Many boomers are not returning to work and are taking early retirement. They are choosing to spend the next phase of their lives traveling, engaging in recreational sports, and participating in rewarding hobbies. The model retirement has also been reimagined in recent years. Combine young retirees with a decline in immigration and there is a nationwide worker shortage that continues to affect the US economy. Harvard Business Review has called it “an unprecedented mass exit.”

The Reshuffle

For those who are not permanently exiting, we’re seeing a new term emerge…reshuffling. Basically, candidates change jobs within the same sector. Those who are making the move for higher pay to companies whose culture aligns with their own values. As some companies are returning back to the office and shunning a remote-only policy, this is prompting talent to make a change. The days of leaving due to a “valid” reason concluded with the pandemic. Candidates are making a shift based on work-life balance and have been empowered to do so. 

If you are evaluating making a transition, we invite you to peruse the opportunities on our job board. Consider if your current position still feels right and review what you could be worth if you put yourself back out there in the market. Still unsure? Speak to one of our specialists and they can add some color if your present situation remains blurry.

Looking for your next candidate? Try Human…Powered by Averity

Our latest innovation is designed to let you browse prescreened candidates and set up interviews with the click of a button. It’s that easy!

In a world where time is money, we created Human, to save you both.

Every month, employers around the country are advertising thousands of new jobs in the tech sector. That means more competition for the same pool of applicants.

“The already tight labor market just became even tighter as competition for tech talent reaches near-record levels,” said Tim Herbert, chief research officer at the nonprofit Computing Technology Industry Association. “For any employer relying on the old hiring playbook, it’s time to rethink approaches to recruiting.”

Hiring is more challenging than ever. That’s why the team here at Averity has put together this checklist of the steps for getting from the job description to the offer letter. Presenting: The Hiring Manager Playbook.

Read the full playbook and feel empowered to start hiring the perfect candidates today.

The end of the year is a time of reflection to evaluate where we’ve been and where we’re going. We would be remiss to discuss the tech hiring trends of 2022, without mentioning the extremely unique events of the previous two years. 2020 and the pandemic was a black swan occurrence. By necessity, companies transitioned to a remote-first culture and hiring, funding and growth slowed dramatically. The sudden pause on hiring created a recruiting backlog in technology.

2021 – The Hiring Boom Begins

In 2021, the world was calmer as we began to emerge from the pandemic. Companies noticed their employees were more productive working remotely than they were in the office. Due to forward-thinking leadership and advances in technology, people moved from big cities and were able to keep their positions. And then came the Boom…

With the hiring freeze lifted and the end of the pandemic on the horizon, companies began recruiting with an urgency we hadn’t seen in years. The market refreshed and funding and growth started to explode. This shifted the position of talent into the driver’s seat in the job market and changed the quality of hiring packages.

2022 – The Great Resignation & A “Talent Centric” Market

During Q1 and Q2 of 2022, the hiring frenzy continued. There was a steep demand for engineering candidates with the number of open positions significantly outpacing the talent pool. To combat competition, offers were enhanced with a salary increase by typically 20-30%, unlimited PTO and a commitment to remote-work. Candidates who weren’t even unhappy in their positions tested the job market knowing their value had skyrocketed and they could command more from their employers. Technical talent were securing higher paying jobs with more amenable conditions within one to two weeks of resigning from their previous positions. 

Top-tier engineers have always known their worth. However, during these months mid to senior-level engineers began to see how valuable they are to prospective employees. It gave them the space to consider if their values aligned with the companies they worked for.  If it wasn’t a match, they no longer had to stay, just to remain employed. They had the flexibility to ask the questions, “Am I looking for a mission-driven company?” “Do I want to live in a different state than  my employer?” “Do I even want to still work in big tech?” “Perhaps now is the time to learn a new industry?” The possibilities were endless and it created a talent centric market.

The Slow Down & Return to the Office 

Despite evidence that working remotely was a successful model, companies started abandoning the concept and requiring their employees to return to the office.  Leases, teamwork and CEO mandates spurred the change, despite pushback from employees. Most candidates were required to work in the office three to four days a week and only a small segment remained completely virtual. Talent has mixed emotions over this change. Some have expressed enthusiasm to once again be in a collaborative environment. They’re eager to be face-to-face with clients and colleagues in a professional environment. While others say it’s no longer conducive after making major life changes, such as a permanent move. 

With the steady rise of inflation, war in the Ukraine, uncertain political divides and volatility of the crypto market by the beginning of Q3, hiring began to slow down. Companies were only recruiting for critical roles or backfilling roles where they had lost talent to another company who had yet to move to a more conservative hiring approach. Offers were reduced by 10-20% from just a few months prior, funding decreased dramatically and there was a larger influx of talent. Thus candidates reconsidered their positions and were far less eager to make a transition. This shifted the hiring market back from candidate driven to company driven. 

Recession & the Re-emergence of Uncertainty

Due to over-hiring for the past two years, tension in many environments and pressure on the global economy, companies reacted sharply with massive layoffs, hiring freezes and a pause on spending by the beginning of Q4. From startups to Fortune 50 companies, we have seen a significant change. With rumblings of an impending recession, we have returned to uncertain times. 

With layoffs at some of the top organizations in the world, premier engineering talent has become available. The type of talent everyone wants to hire. Many organizations simply can not hire right now. The ones who can, have a major advantage with today’s exceptional talent pool. As candidates evaluate new offers, they are focusing on stability vs. high salaries.

What’s on the horizon in 2023?

Will this be a shallow recession? We certainly hope so. Key indicators are reflecting that it shouldn’t last terribly long, with prosperity naturally following it. When technology is core to your business, you can only afford to go so long without bringing in new talent before it starts to affect your product development and the business overall. So will we get out of this time of uncertainty? Of course! We always do. 2022 has been truly a roller coaster ride for us all. We wish you and yours a healthy and prosperous 2023! We look forward to connecting once again in the new year. 

Knowing when it’s finally time to leave a company can be confusing to decipher. How can you truly know it is the end and there is no turning back? You ask yourself…Is it your outlook that has shifted? Can you make some adjustments to make it all better? We speak to people all day long about their interest in making a job transition. A few themes resurface time and time again. So we’re sharing the top four signs to make a job change now.

You feel negative emotions about work including boredom, exhaustion and frustration.

Do you wake up in the morning with a pit in your stomach at the thought of spending your day at work? If a sense of dread permeates you because you are so disengaged with your current work environment, this is a loud signal prompting you to move on. Several factors can cause such a reaction, including an abusive boss or coworkers, apathy from years of executing the same tasks and a lack of sense of purpose. Are you dragging yourself through projects you were once inspired by and feel yourself fading during meetings? A more subtle feeling of fatigue throughout the day is also a sign your position is no longer the right fit for you. When discussing living without passion, people will often say Life is too short. Very true. At the same time, life can also be very long to waste months or even years feeling bad about a correctable situation, such as a job transition.  

You’ve accomplished all your goals.

Flashback to when you accepted the position and all the ambition you felt about what you wanted to achieve in your new role. Fast forward a few years and you have attained everything you initially wanted. Perhaps you were striving for a particular title or a certain level of compensation or even gaining specialized experience leading a project…you’ve checked all the boxes. You have accomplished everything you set out to do and now you are ready for the next challenge. Before resigning, we encourage you to have a conversation with your manager or HR about new options internally. There may be a solution on the horizon you are unaware of. If you’ve already exhausted all your opportunities at your current company, it’s time to look ahead and make a change. 

You are no longer growing your skill set.

Humans need progress to feel a sense of purpose. You may be stellar in your role and compensated handsomely for it. You can be well-liked and respected amongst your peers and superiors. All of this may be true and yet you still feel stagnant because you are no longer evolving as an employee. You’ve taken all the training offered and maximize your potential with the scope of the position. Once again, we recommend having conversations internally about securing a new role.  Even if it is a position on the same level, however you’re acquiring new experience, it may be worth exploring to round out your skill set.  However, if you’ve initiated the conversation and your needs have not been met, it is time to update your resume and make a move.

You are working in a toxic environment. 

Reactions and performance while working in a toxic environment can vary dramatically amongst employees. Additionally, how we define toxic in 2022 can have multiple interpretations. Your ethics could be compromised because of unscrupulous business practices. The team you work with could be dishonest or divisive. Your superiors can be demeaning and affect your self-confidence. Once you feel your workplace is unhealthy, don’t hesitate, make a swift exit. The longer anyone works in an adverse situation, the more damaging the long-term effects can be on your career and your health. 

What’s Next?

So you’ve decided to leave your position. Now what? With the conclusion of any chapter of your life, there can be feelings of loss. A job transition is no different…it can be quite emotional and overwhelming. Reach out to Averity and you will not be alone. We’re in your corner! Our team is here to partner with you as you take the next step in your career. We’ll review your resume, your preferences for your next role, interview prep and salary negotiation. If you’re considering a job change and want to talk before taking the leap, contact us…we’re here to help. 

With an increasing demand for filling positions and a short supply of qualified candidates, companies are closely examining all aspects of their recruiting strategies. Employer branding is an essential element of attracting and hiring premium talent. Many people default to thinking of consumer branding, the narrative surrounding your products and services. Although your products/services may be stellar, it doesn’t tell a candidate why they want to work for your firm. Employer branding encompasses the full employment experience and answers the question, “Why Join Us?”

What is Your Organization’s Current Reputation?

According to LinkedIn, 75% of job seekers consider an employer’s brand before even applying for a job. So start by asking the question, “How do potential hires see your company?” To gain insight, discuss with recruiters feedback about your firm from candidates. Closely examine exit interviews for recurring themes amongst former employees. Also, monitor trending comments on social media platforms, including Glassdoor.

Once you have a clear understanding of your placement in the market, you can set a vision for the standing you want to establish in the future. Generate a survey to employees and meet with senior leadership to discuss, What makes your organization unique? What are your corporate values & behaviors? What is your company mission? 

The responses to this exercise will lay the foundation of the principles of your Employee Value Proposition (EVP), which will serve as the cornerstone of your employer brand. 

Creating a Strong Employer Brand

Develop an authentic & enticing EVP & Employer Brand Story. 

Your EVP can address topics such as work-life balance, growth philosophy, inclusion and well-being. The values candidates are emphasizing as priorities have shifted post-pandemic. 

According to Glassdoor, 92% of employees would consider changing jobs with no salary increase if the opportunity was with a company that had an excellent reputation. Additionally, 86% of job seekers say they would not consider working for a company with bad social standing. Your EVP contributes to your Employer Brand Story, which illustrates how you want to make candidates and employees feel. It highlights the differentiators between you and your competition. 

Also consider segmenting your messaging based on the role you are recruiting for. What is important to a Senior Engineer may differ from what is appealing to a Director of Software Engineering. So be mindful of which points of your EVP to accentuate in communications surrounding specific positions. 

Amplify Your Employer Brand

Now that your EVP and Employer Brand Story is finalized, blogs, videos, photos and case studies are powerful ways to share it. Strive for a consistent tone and voice across all platforms including your website, external job portals, social media and HR correspondence. Additionally, it is crucial that your messaging be aligned from senior leadership down. Your employees can be your best company advocates! 

Execute a Solid Onboarding Process

After you’ve spent all this time and energy to hire the best and brightest talent, their initial experience as an employee is critical. By establishing a smooth transition and welcoming environment, you will confirm your firm’s reputation is accurate, immediately gain a certain degree of trust and inspire their best efforts. We recommend your recruiting team be an active part of the process. 

Benchmarks for Your Brand

Once you’ve implemented an engaging employer branding strategy, how can you evaluate if it is positively influencing your talent acquisition and bottom line? Companies with high scores in this category, see 50% more qualified applicants per role and a 50% cost-per-hire reduction. We’ve compiled the below metrics as a way to assess the strength of your employer brand:

Averity & Your Employer Brand

Consistent and honest communication with your recruiters can benefit your branding efforts.  Our team sees the importance of sharing candidate feedback with the companies we partner with. It shines a light on an outsider’s perspective when interacting with your company and provides information about your reputation in the marketplace. We are here to support all the firms we work with and encourage open communication on a regular basis. Let’s discuss how we can help and connect with us here.

Winning the top candidate for an open position at your company mirrors the delicate dance of courtship. Timing, communication and creating an overall smooth experience are contributing factors if there will be an ideal match. If you are about to begin the hiring process, we recommend focusing on the following areas of concentration:

Clear Communication 

From composing the job description through the onboarding, concise communication is paramount. When drafting the job post, be sure to address the following points:

A thorough recruiting listing embodying the values of your company and the requirements for the position will maximize your chances of finding the optimal candidate.

Once the candidate has applied, be sure to connect throughout the entire process. Send an automatic notification once their application has been received and promptly schedule an interview within 48 hours. Throughout the series of interviews be transparent about the process and how many rounds of interviews there will be. Top candidates don’t want to muddle through a lot of information to figure out where they stand or chase down people for next steps. 

Amenable Applicant Experience

Can a candidate easily apply to the job posting? If the application is lengthy and arduous, elite applicants will immediately be disenchanted and abandon their submission. If your application page has poor user interface or is lacking mobile friendly design, this will make the user experience negative and ultimately be a turn-off…especially for candidates applying in the tech sector! Your posting should not have a ton of pre-screening questions or other obstacles that will turn off top tier candidates. We recommend a 1-click application to ensure the experience is simple for candidates. Submitting their information with ease is the first positive interaction the applicant will have with your company.

Preparation is Essential

As a candidate, particularly a technologist, preparation is everything! Does the candidate know who they will be interviewing with?  Which topics should the candidate discuss with each interviewer?  What does the candidate need to demonstrate to the interviewer to have a successful interview?  Also, it’s helpful to include Linkedin profiles on meeting invites. Candidates will appreciate the additional information. Extra attention to such details will differentiate your company from your competitors.  

Vital Feedback 

Candidates will voice frustration when they don’t receive any feedback at the conclusion of an interview. This lack of communication will circulate quickly throughout tech circles. Even if a candidate had a terrible interview, we suggest politely and empathetically letting the candidate know they’re not the right fit for the job. You can share as much specific information as you like, but a simple yes or no, will go a long way. You never know when your paths will cross again in the future.  

Onboarding- A Welcoming Transition

Finally, the onboarding process is a crucial part of the progression from candidate to employee. A well-defined path of form submission and credential verification (along with time frames on each) should be outlined as soon as the applicant receives their offer. A frustrating experience getting started sets a negative tone before the new recruit has even begun their first day of work. Establishing a friendly rapport and showcasing the efficiency of the processes within your company will demonstrate the high standards of your team. This will set the stage for an enthusiastic start and illustrate the excellent opportunity your leading recruit is about to embark on. 

We always recommend during the time between resignation and start date, the hiring manager and future employee meet for a physical or virtual cup of coffee. This provides an opportunity to discuss expectations and review research for upcoming projects and impending timelines. This initial meeting is the first step to building a connection. 

The Averity Process

We deliver a concierge-style service experience with everyone we interact with a focus on your needs first.

During the qualification period, we dig deep into the interest and experience of the candidates. We also take the time to truly understand your company’s needs for the role and conduct our own research into your organization to properly pair you together.

This level of connection is maintained during interview coordination as well. Both the applicant and organization are well-prepped as to who they are meeting with. Throughout the interview rounds, both parties are kept up-to-date about offers and expectations. Such transparency keeps the guesswork (and ultimately frustration and anxiety) out of the experience for both sides.

Lastly, we remain present throughout the onboarding process to ensure it is effortless and establishes a solid foundation for the new working relationship. 

Talent acquisition in the tech industry can be challenging. As a technical recruiting agency, Averity’s recruitment technology can help you focus on your core business while getting top tech talent.

Some uncertain market conditions are upon us, we’re still living with the residual effects of the Covid-19 pandemic and strong opinions about workplaces and work culture and the return to office rumors are looming everywhere.  People are exhausted, afraid and nervous about the future. For some this has resulted in poor business practices. Primarily concerned with their quarterly bottom line, companies are cutting corners and skimping on client support.

Post-Covid Client Service

According to NBC, 78% of consumers have contacted a company multiple times to address a single concern. 

People are fatigued with businesses using Covid as an excuse for low-level performance. In a post-pandemic world, people have higher standards than ever before. They expect more from brands, especially when it comes to client service. They desire support on their time and expect companies to anticipate their needs. To keep pace with demand, companies are turning to self-service.

The Rise In AI

We’re seeing an increase in customer engagement via artificial intelligence (AI) systems. Much of the personalized, human touch has been eliminated from customer service with the rise of chatbots via messaging, text, or even speech. By 2024, consumer retail spend via chatbots worldwide will reach $142 billion—up from just $2.8 billion in 2019, according to Juniper Research.

This focus on improved client service by enhancing AI may not work across all industries. Clients want to partner with companies who treat them like humans and understand their core values and principles. 50% of consumers say the pandemic caused them to rethink their purpose and priorities according to Accenture. This applies not only to the companies where they spend their money, but where they make their money as well.

The Great Resignation

Poor service is leaving people feeling frustrated, hopeless and uninspired, particularly when it comes to work. The Great Resignation reflects how people are placing a great emphasis on a positive employee experience and are willing to make major life changes when they don’t get it.

When job seekers post on LinkedIn and work with some recruiters, they get listings spam emails, and keyword-based pitches that are not in-line with their experience or what they are looking to do next. Sometimes just to fill a position, recruiters will misplace applicants…essentially putting a square peg in a round hole.  This leaves applicants feeling like they are not being heard and are partnering with someone who just wants to get the hire.  It wastes the time of the candidate, company, and everyone involved in a stressful situation of hiring or looking for their next job.  This doesn’t have to be the standard. 

The Averity Team – Keeping it Personal

Averity is a people first organization. Our goal is to work with candidates to help them build a career, not just take a job. We take the time to understand their vision, skills, abilities and desired compensation at the beginning of the search. Throughout the interviewing process, we keep the lines of communication open and transparent. Time is valuable and we want to make sure efforts are well placed and no hours are wasted on a fruitless pursuit. 

The Averity culture is one based on service…not algorithms. Humans need to speak to other humans to gather genuine feedback and evaluate interest. A friendly tone and a face-with-a-name makes a remarkable difference when creating a connection with applicants and companies alike. 

An established rapport is a contributing factor throughout the offer process. As the intermediary between candidates and companies, an authentic relationship can make a significant difference in the subtle nuances of a successful negotiation.  

“Something that is extremely important to everyone at Averity is to understand the people we interact with as human beings as well as their tech skills,” said Alex Dubovoy Executive Vice President.  “We take the time to understand what’s important to them (and that is different for everyone) and work together to match those key factors when we discuss their next career move.  Changing jobs is stressful enough.  We are dedicated to making things as stress-free as possible.  That is a core value for the Averity Team”

Collaboration is at the core of everything we do. Our team is diverse, supportive and respectful of each other and everyone we work with. By joining efforts we can see different perspectives, which leads to a premium experience for both our organization and our clients.  People hire people, and relationships are much more important than transactions.

When Jenny Wong talks about her last job, she calls it her “previous life.” Her academic research was gratifying and taught her a lot, but she felt a little isolated working in the lab. She wanted to be able to leverage the technical skills she picked up in academia while interacting with people on a day-to-day basis. 

She found her dream job with ActionIQ, which helps enterprise companies use data to improve their customer experience. We talked with her about her decision to change industries, how it changed the trajectory of her career, and finding a great partner with Averity.

Congratulations on your new promotion with ActionIQ! How long have you been with the company?

I started here as a field engineer a little over two years ago and have since moved into a management role. 

What was the job search like? Did you start out doing it on your own?

I started off looking by myself. I focused my efforts on opportunities where I could make a connection either with someone on the team or someone on the hiring side. Then I met Stephanie Grosso, who has been my main point of contact at Averity. She took me through the whole process, identifying a job that might be a good fit based off of the conversation that we had. 

The process was even better than I had anticipatedI told Stephanie that my experience was on the technical side of things, but that I knew that I liked the customer-facing aspects as well. She found a position that was a bit of both. I have nothing but good things to say about my experience.

Have you stayed in touch with her?

Yes! She’s been a sounding board for me. If I had anything to talk about, either during the application process or even after I was starting off in the new job, she made it very clear that I could reach out to her. It was a pleasant surprise that she would offer her help even after I secured the position.

Stephanie really goes above and beyond. She’s always been there for me, even when I applied for the manager role at my current company. She has been such an important part of my journey. I think of her as a career mentor.

Stacey Ustian admits that she struggled to land her first job in the tech sector. She had left her previous job so that she could teach herself the skills she needed to become a data engineer. Feeling like she was finally ready, she jumped into the job market.

“All I did for nine months straight was apply and interview for jobs,” she said. “You go into these interviews and they want people with experience. Of course, I didn’t have it because I was changing careers. I wasn’t having great success.”

On LinkedIn, Stacey started getting messages from recruiters who obviously didn’t have a clue about her career goals.

“Once you mark yourself as ‘open to work’ on LinkedIn, you get all sorts of things from recruiters,” she said. “I would get these messages about the roles that they were recruiting for, and they were totally irrelevant.”

Then Stacey connected with the team here at Averity, and everything changed. Within a couple of weeks she had interviews with three companies eager to make her an offer, including the place she decided on, ActionIQ.

I love telling people this story because it emphasizes the fact that when it comes to finding a job in the tech field, you shouldn’t go at it alone. Finding the right job is a challenge even when the economy is humming along. At a time like today, with so much economic uncertainty, it’s much tougher.

We’ve been talking with a lot of people in the tech industry who landed their current job with Averity. They all agreed with Stacey that having the right recruiter makes the job search easier. But they also mentioned several other reasons that they will always use a recruiter.

Prepping you for interviews.

Are you nervous about the interview process? Maybe, like Stacey, you’re changing careers. Or maybe, like engineer Eleanor Schlechter, you haven’t sat face-to-face with a hiring manager for a while.

“I hadn’t gone through the interview process in a very long time,” she said. “I didn’t really know what to expect, especially because I was in a later stage of my career.”

When Eleanor partnered with Averity, we walked her through the entire process. We let her know exactly who she would be interviewing with, what the process would be like, what she needed to demonstrate to have a successful interview, and when she was likely to hear back from the company.

Giving you feedback

Something very important after you take the time to do either one interview or 5 interviews is feedback. We’ve heard so many stories of candidates doing anywhere between one round to four rounds of interviews, and never hearing about how they did and any specifics. How should a job seeker ever improve their interviewing skills if they don’t receive constructive feedback about their previous interview? This is a very important step that often gets overlooked. “Averity was definitely helpful in prepping me for interviews, but also calling me immediately afterward and asking how it went and offering me feedback,” Eleanor said. “I wasn’t sitting alone in my room wondering what I should do next.”

Getting you the best package.

One of the most stressful parts on interviewing is negotiating things like salary and benefits. Data scientist Shawn Squire said that working with Averity made that part of the process a breeze.

“They handled most of the back and forth with the company,” he said. “And they negotiated for me and I was extremely happy with the result” 

Serving as ‘career mentors.’

When she was looking for a job, field engineering manager Jenny Wong knew she wanted someone who would serve as a sounding board. She said she found that in Averity’s Stephanie Grosso.

“If I had anything to talk about, either during the application process or even after I was starting off in the new job, she made it very clear that I could reach out to her,” she said. “It was a pleasant surprise that she would offer her help even after I secured the position. Stephanie really goes above and beyond.”

Expanding your horizons.

One mistake that many job seekers make is only looking for positions at their current level. A recruiter can evaluate your skills and let you know what other types of jobs you should consider. They can also encourage you to think outside the box.

Data analyst James Falasca said that because he had spent so many years in healthcare, he never would have considered another field. Averity’s Mark Howland encouraged him to think about a job in media.

“He approached me about some of the openings at NBCUniversal,” James said. “I told him that I didn’t know if I had the right skills. He said, ‘James, just put your resume in and let’s see what happens. The worst thing they can say is no.’ So without him encouraging me, I would have never thought to apply, especially to a company like NBCUniversal.”

At Averity, we aren’t just trying to help people find a job. We’re helping them build a career. That’s why our focus is on building connections with them that last a lifetime.